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Jet-Stream Leads Charge for Deployment of the “Three Screens CDN”

Service providers gain best practices for launching their own content delivery 网works as they launch “open play” services, 夺回对网络的控制权


Consumer demand for service providers to deliver content to any device, at any time and in any location is growing more prevalent each year.  Consumers are gaining additional control over how they access content, 无论是通过个人电脑, 移动设备或机顶盒, challenging service providers’ traditional walled garden offerings and threatening their position in the content delivery value chain.
射流BV, the leading provider of content delivery 网work (CDN) solutions, has outlined key strategies for service providers to launch their own three screens CDNs to support this rapidly-growing need.  通过部署他们自己的cdn, service providers have a platform to upsell premium services to subscribers, 帮助他们将自己的产品与竞争对手区分开来, as well as mo网ize the distribution of online media and over-the-top content.  在线cdn还允许服务提供商卸载流量, 允许他们管理大量的内容, and supply advanced wholesale hosting and delivery services to content owners.
“All service providers need to do is follow the eyeballs,” said Stef van der Ziel, Jet-Stream CEO.  “多亏了互联网, 消费者正在彻底改变他们访问内容的方式, 内容所有者和广告商也在追随他们的脚步.  Service providers don’t want to be left behind; they want a portion of the content distribution opportunity.  要做到这一点, service providers must evolve from triple play services to 'open play' platforms that deliver content to all three screens."
Jet-Stream provides five key points service providers must consider to stay relevant in the CDN value chain, mo网ize the delivery of content and avoid becoming obsolete in today's content distribution business.
Embrace OTT – Instead of viewing over-the-top (OTT) video as a threat to traditional, 围墙花园服务, 服务提供商必须充分利用OTT机会, 通过他们的网络提供优质的OTT服务.  通过支持OTT产品, service providers can guarantee to content owners a high level of service quality and lower distribution costs, 同时通过提供OTT内容来赚钱.
Support 移动 content - Service providers must support the growing amount of content delivered to 移动 devices.  “Micro-edge” CDNs deployed at the outer edges of a 网work ensure delivery of content to 移动 devices.  Micro-edge CDNs don’t rely on the large amount of appliances and other hardware needed to support traditional CDNs, requiring only a small amount of space at a cell tower site or other “edge” locations for delivery of content to 移动 devices.
Go local – Most content accessed by consumers is produced locally.  An on-网 CDN enables service providers to deploy regional and local distribution hubs to deliver local and global content.
Control 网work logistics – Instead of relying on a centralized hub for delivering content, service providers can deploy on-网 CDNs at regional or local hub sites.  通过这种方法, service providers can guarantee a high level of quality for content sent through their 网works.
保持灵活性——当他们发布自己的cdn时, 服务提供者必须避免使用刚性, 基于设备的CDN基础设施.  一个开放的, 基于软件的CDN平台可以从小做起, be scaled to meet future growth needs and rapidly meet future requirements.
VideoExchange, Jet-Stream支持三屏CDN的解决方案, is a software-based platform for rapidly and cost-effectively launching a CDN.  VideoExchange allows service providers to avoid lock-in to a single, 基于设备的CDN架构, 这需要耗费大量时间, 启动CDN的昂贵和供应商控制的方法.  VideoExchange消除了对缓存或DNS服务器的需求, instead providing an optimized platform that replicates content for delivery across a CDN.  VideoExchange also supports on-网 or micro-edge CDNs deployed closer to the 网work edge.  有关VideoExchange的更多信息,请访问http://www.vdo-x.网.
Jet-Stream开发了一份白皮书, 题为“电信CDN战略2010”,” outlining how service providers can launch their own three screens CDN strategy and participate in the content delivery value chain.  The white paper is set for release in conjunction with the IBC Show, Sept. 阿姆斯特丹9-14.  如欲索取白皮书,可向 whitepaper@射流.nl.
Jet-Stream是CDN行业的专家.  2002年开始营业, the company helps its telco customers save money by offloading traffic, 货币化CDN服务和加速优质网络, 移动, IPTV和OTT内容.
Jet-Stream开发下一代CDN技术. The company’s cutting edge software is cost-effective and quick to deploy when compared to more expensive and inflexible hardware, DNS和基于缓存的CDN解决方案.
Jet-Stream is a privately-owned and fast-growing vision leader. The company has been profitable since the start and has deployed more than 25 CDNs, 去年部署了12个CDN.
有关“喷射流”的更多资料,请浏览: http://www.jet-stream.nl.